Social & ecological protection


Gardians of Earth & its inhabitants

On the tracks of the Mayan’s ancestors, south of Mexico, our project named “Proyecto Yum Kaax” was born on January 2021. Yum Kaax is an indepandant non-profit auto-organisation co-managed by a community sensitive to the ecological, social and alimentary challenges of our society.

This is why the Mayan guardian “YUM KAAX” has been chosen to represent our project. Like Him we are protecting our home: The Nature and Her inhabitants

We promote social and environmental connection for the harmony of the current and future generations. Through the holistic development of an ecovillage & community space, open to public, including among many: permaculture, eco-construction, food sovereignty, holistique well being, low-tech, zero waste… while enhancingt the natural ressources of the site.

A former coffee plantation surrounded by diverse vegetation which is finally resuming the natural course of its life. Free to be yourself is the philosophy, here at Yum Kaax.

Day by day, fauna and flora can once again interact without being interrupted by the hands of man. A joy for the community to be able to blossom with respect within this biosphere.

Main philosophy: Unity

1. The space belongs to all of humanity as a whole, however to stay there harmoniously you have to take time for your personal development as well as the one of the community.

2. We create a bridge between the past and the future, through ancestral and current knowledge, while taking into account inner discoveries… let us move towards future realizations!

3. Place of material and spiritual research to give life to an authentic humanity.

Main charter, inspired by the “Auroville” project in India. On the other hand, the integral management of the project is also inspired, among other things, by the philosophy of "Permaculture".


Our ecovillage is located very close to Tapachula, a Mexican city with a tropical climate, located in the Soconusco region, in the state of Chiapas, about thirty kilometers from the coast and the southern border with Guatemala.

Established in the 13th century by the Aztecs, Tapachula means Flood Land because of the constant rains and overflowing rivers. A historic place of passage in a region suffering from the paradox of hunger and food and material waste, rural poverty, poor nutrition, deforestation… reflecting the destructive tendency of a sick humanity. It is in this local and global context that Proyecto Yum Kaax takes its essence.


– Protection and regeneration of the ecosystems (agroecology)

– Low environmental footprint (zero waste, low-tech)

– eco-construction

– Food autonomy (local and organic) 

– Use of natural medicine




– A place accessible for all

– Sharing (of ressources, values, knowledge…)

– Promoting experiential learning and the exploration of our inherente curiosity

– Fostering the connection with our authentic-self

– Cultivating resilience and harmony of human interactions (horizontal hierarchy, group decisions, non-violent communication, talking circle, etc.)


– Preservation of Maya heritage

– Multicultural exchange (various and diversed workshops, open day, traditional ceremonies, etc.)

– Encouraging the development and expression of our innate creativity

Devoting ourselves to ecological, social and cultural protection as well as its development in community


Conserve and regenerate the ecological, social and cultural legacy

Be conscious of our actions

Living harmoniously in community

Living without destroying

Attain food and medicinal self-sufficiency

Use resources from our surroundings (natural or collected)

Promote experiential learning

Sharing our vision and feeling the call to support us…




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