

Proyecto Yum Kaax; an ecovillage dedicated to the collective unity, the blossoming of Nature and human Being.
A place of access to land and of conservation of the ecosystems (Chiapas, Mexico).

Let’s build a united and harmonious human habitat in which the activities are based on an eco-responsible and sustainable philosophy

Support the project

collected by CROWdFUNDING


Volunteers hosted

Be the change we wanna see in the world

Reconnect to your inner child, leave the city and explore your ultimate essence in a wild Oasis. Open your senses to the scents of the Tropical Forest. Learn to free your subconscious.


« Living together with more purpose »

Let’s reconnect to our Humanity

We have the power to change our present and we act for it…

Space dedicated to Unity, to the blossomig of nature and human Beings. know more

Thank you so much for your support, energy, time and love!

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”

- Albert Einstein